If you lived near the University of Washington, we can deliver the product to you! Contact us via Email or by text!
4801 24th NE Seattle, WA 98105
Start boosting your mind
Start exchanging philosophical questions that can strengthen bonds between people.
Our product is for you, if you are looking to get to know someone else better.
Our product is for you, if you’d like to learn new perspectives and ideas.
Our product is for you, if you are looking to be introduced to Philosophy.
Our product is for everyone, really.
Zen Z
We are a group of students from UW who value deep, meaningful relationships and we wanted a way to achieve this. We all have diverse backgrounds and hope to bring you well-designed, thought-provoking, and fun card games. We are the company that brings people and communities closer together by facilitating longer and more meaningful conversations
If you lived near the University of Washington, we can deliver the product to you! Contact us via Email or by text!